We have also read that their hearing is developing and that certain sounds will begin to become familiar to them. They will certainly know our and the kids’ voices when they are born. Mikki has been singing to them. The kids and I have been talking to them. They will also likely recognize Coby’s guitar and the intro to Sportscenter. To help prevent the boys from being startled by certain sounds they hear for the first time out of the womb, our book tells us that we can actively expose them to any sounds they should look forward to hearing. For instance, we have let Dingo bark at Mikki without the usual scolding (which happens quite often these days as Dingo is consistently startled by the ever-growing belly). And, perhaps most importantly, we have begun their familiarization with the most exciting four beats known to man: Baaaaah-Bah-Bah---Bah. Followed up by a big GEAUX TIGERS! Check it out:

Also, we have updated the belly watch slideshow to include a Week 18 picture. We go back to Maternal Fetal this coming Friday so we should have another batch of baby pics next week.
Thanks again for everybody’s prayers. Keep them coming! 16 more weeks until our healthy baby goal.
Hunter and Mikki.
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