We last went to the doctor on August 16. MFM confirmed that ALL of the boys are still growing together at an impressive rate. They are all measuring above average even for a singleton. Their fluid sacs looked great, and their little noses, lips, hands and feet all looked perfect. And, they have hair (lets keep the bald jokes to a minimum). Jackson (Baby A) had managed to perform a somersault since our last appointment, likely because he grew tired of Maxwell sitting on his head. He remains on Mikki’s left side, butt down and head up. His legs/feet were curled up very tight under him and he was facing Mikki’s back. Jackson weighed in at 3 lb. 8 oz. and his head measured in the 98th percentile (that’s right….big brain). Maxwell (Baby B) was positioned very similar to Jackson, but on Mikki’s right side. He weighed 3 lb. 4 oz. Harrison (Baby C) remains at the very top, though his brothers have been encroaching on his space. Harrison has become the most active…we like to think it's because he is trying to push his brothers back down. Harrison was laying horizontal with his chest facing up. His head was facing towards Mikki’s right side and he was actually starting to slide under Maxwell. Harrison weighed in at 3 lb. 3 oz.
We left MFM with a glowing report and headed downstairs to see Dr. L. Once there the good news continued as Dr. L found no signs of pre-mature labor (i.e. the cervix is holding). Mikki was told that she is doing fantastic and there is every reason to believe that she will go past the average of 32/33 weeks. All of the doctors and nurses that we saw were amazed at how great Mikki’s body was holding up. We have been so incredibly fortunate up to this point!
We have posted some new pics of the boys from their 30 week appointment – look to the right. Here are a couple worth highlighting:

This is a 4D shot of Harrison. He looks so snuggly with his hands up near his face. I cannot wait to hold him.

Here is Jackson’s alien face.

And Maxwell’s hand/fingers. We will soon get to hold that hand. Wow.
We are starting to feel a little more prepared – though we take comfort in knowing that it is impossible to be completely prepared for the circus that is coming. With the help of Mikki’s parents, we put together 3 baby beds last weekend. All of the beds were given to us or are on loan (you know who you are and thank you!). We have set all of them up in our room along with a changing station. It looks like we are running a daycare center. We put a second changing station out in the hallway for those days where we have help and are able lock ourselves in our room for nap time. We also have bassinets that will allow us to roll the babies into other rooms (and out of our room) when we need a break. We have three bouncers setup and a few swings. And, thankfully, we have received enough donated clothes to get us through the first 18 months or so.
Let me just say that we are so incredibly humbled by everyone’s kindness and generosity. It really does take a village, and we have a great village. Another example was the shower put on by the “dance moms” at BRDC. Have you seen the reality show Dance Moms? Our group of dance moms (and dads) are nothing like that. Instead we have a great group of parents, kids and teachers that are supportive, caring and thoughtful. They surprised Mikki with a shower that ultimately resulted in about a three month supply of diapers. In fact, our diaper supply has reached 2,200 or so and takes up almost all of the boys future closet. We have calculated that we will need about 24,000 diapers….so…we are almost there….(!) Thank you dance moms and dads and teachers!
We are going to try to take pictures of some baby stuff (and maybe an updated belly pic) and we will share those pics in our next update.
As for our current trio, they are starting to settle into their school routines; Coby in 8th grade, Claire in 3rd grade and Caroline in 1st grade. All are off to a great start. Life with our kids is busy and hectic, yet fulfilling. We try to imagine adding the triplets to our life and we have no idea how it will work….but we know that it will. We’ve been watching Making Room for Multiples on TLC in an effort prepare ourselves. The other day a new mom of triplets was asked “how in the world do you care for three babies at one time?” She responded: “how do you not?” We liked that answer. Maybe we will have t-shirts made.
Please keep Mikki and the boys in your thoughts and prayers. We are in the home stretch.
Hunter and Mikki
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