We had our first pediatrician visit this past Monday. The first time out of the house with all three was an adventure. Unexpectedly, the car seats did not fit in Mikki's Yukon (yes, I probably should have worked through this problem prior to the minute we needed to leave). Avoiding a potential meltdown, we quickly adjusted our plans and took two vehicles. Upon further reflection, I think that we can realign the seats in the Yukon so that the boys can all ride together next time. However, the Bertrands will be in the market for a bigger vehicle in the near future. Any car salesman that can provide a serious triplet discount should get in touch with us - emphasis on serious!
Once at the doctor's office the boys got to try out their pimp-tacular stroller:
They then waited "patiently" to meet their new doctor (in birth order, Jackson, Maxwell and Harrison):
Fortunately, all three of our big boys received A+ grades on their physical exams. They all have already exceeded their birth weight with Jackson weighing in at 6 lbs. 1 oz., Maxwell at 6 lbs. 3 oz. and Harrison at 5 lbs. 13 oz. The preemie clothes and diapers won't fit for much longer!
The boys will get to visit with their doctor one more time next Monday, and, if all is well, they will not have to go back for another two months.
On the home front, the boys are eating, peeing and pooping at an extraordinary rate. They drink two plus ounces every 3 to 4 hours, which correlates to about 24 bottles a day, which in turn correlates to roughly 24 to 30 diapers a day. Thankfully, they also sleep pretty well. They are up for 30 minutes to an hour at each feeding and then they sleep a few hours until the next feeding. One week in, they remain on the same schedule. If one wakes up a little early for a feeding, we wake up the other two so that we stay on schedule. With the help of grandmas and great grandmas, we are able to feed them all at once. Our current trio has also been very helpful thus far. They love to help with the feedings, even getting up early for school so they can feed their baby before getting on the bus (we'll see how long that last).
We have really enjoyed everyone's interest in our journey with these boys. It has been an awesome experience. Thank you for the continued well wishes.
The Bertrand 8
oh man. they are so stinkin' cute!