(As a footnote, the odds of identical triplets are anywhere between 1:64,000 and 1:200 million…kind of an inexact science. The odds of spontaneous fraternal triplets are 1:8,100).
Mikki and the boys continue to do very well. Last Friday we visited MFM for our bi-weekly sneak peek. The whole process was similar to the 36 point checkup when you purchase the upgraded oil change at Wal-Mart: anatomy (check), fluid (check), blood flow (check), weight gain (check), cervix (check)…see you in two weeks. The boys are growing at an amazing rate. In two weeks they have gone from 10 oz. each to roughly 15 oz. each. In fact, they have doubled in size in just the last four weeks. Their health and growth are directly attributable to Mikki. She was born to do this.
A little about the boys. Baby A and Baby B are still very low in Mikki’s abdomen. Baby A is on Mikki’s left side, is pointing head down, and was facing towards Mikki’s back on Friday. He seems to have a gentle and tolerant personality, which is good because his brother, Baby B, is constantly elbowing and kicking him. Baby A doesn’t put up a fuss when Mikki lays on him (which is 90% of the time) and he kicks/pulls/prods much less than his brothers.
Baby B is by far the most active and assertive. Since our last appointment he completed a somersault, from head down to butt down, face up. He is on Mikki’s right side and seems to take it personally if she tries to lay on him. He will kick and/or punch until she rolls back over. Baby B is also a camera hog as you can often find him sneaking into his brothers’ close-ups.
Baby C is laid back and easy going. He is on top of the mayhem below, laying horizontal at the very top of Mikki’s uterus. All of his photos show a perfect profile and smile. He has the most room and appears to be taking advantage - lying on his back, arms behind his head and legs propped up.
It will be fun to see if these early hints of their personalities hold true after they are born. We can’t wait (actually we can wait 13/14 more weeks)!
Following the MFM appointment, we made the trek home for a shower hosted by our family. It was great to see everyone. We are so blessed to have so many people who love us and are genuinely excited to share in this adventure with us. “Thank you” is completely inadequate, but thank you, and we love you all. Your generous, thoughtful and creative gifts are sincerely appreciated.
Here are a few pics from the weekend:
Caroline preparing yummy chicken salad croissants for the shower.

Mikki’s 21 week photo at the shower, looking beautiful and graceful.

Mikki with her eager present-opening assistant’s Claire and Caroline.
And finally, the girls trying out the new Bumbos. They are feeding their babies waffles and chicken, the cornerstones of every healthy diet. They also thoroughly enjoyed trying all of the boys’ new clothes on their babies. Next week we are going to start the vigorous 4-week diaper changing course.
A great Father’s Day weekend indeed, and I didn’t even mention the boy’s trip to the lake and a father out-dueling his son on the wakeboard…good times.
Again, huge thanks to all of those that made the shower such a great event. Apparently, and much to our surprise, ya’ll are actually reading this blog. We will do our best to keep you updated and we’ll even try to post more than once a week (maybe). You are the best. Keep the prayers coming.
Hunter and Mikki.
glad things are still going well! mine were all positioned the same way - a and b at the bottom, and c floating on top. sometimes he'd dive between his brothers, just checking to see what was going on down there, but mostly he stayed across my belly. i don't think it's a coincidence that he's my mama's boy, and my big snuggler. sounds cheesy, but he was the closest to my heartbeat. :)