Claire begged to join in on the fun. We’ve been told that her puppy should be delivered within the hour:

One question that we have been getting lately is how our current trio is handling the triplet mania, and, specifically, whether they are excited at the prospect of gaining three brothers. Initially, they were all a little unsure about the whole thing. Coby and Claire were a little concerned that having three babies in the house would cramp their current lifestyles. We were peppered with very practical questions about how the babies would affect their lives: will we have to share rooms? will we have to change diapers? will we be poor? Luckily, the answers were easy – yes, yes and absolutely.
Recently, though, we found a way to get them excited. We told them that they would each be assigned one baby and would be responsible for that one baby for life. They put their favorite names into a hat (Jackson, Maxwell and Harrison) and drew to see who would get each baby. Coby drew Jackson, Claire drew Maxwell and Caroline drew Harrison. Amazingly, they all seemed happy with their selections. We then told them that there would be prizes awarded for certain milestones. As examples, prizes will be awarded for such things as: first one to potty train their baby, first one to teach their baby to tie his shoes, and the first one to teach their baby to read. We let them suggest possible prizes. Coby wants an iPhone for teaching Jackson to play the guitar (sorry Coby, that’s not one of the identified goals) and Caroline wants an iPad for teaching Harrison how to read (way to one up Coby). Claire is still working on what her prize will be if she successfully potty trains Maxwell, though she does have a game plan: reading him the Once Upon a Potty book of course. We suspect that these good feelings and general excitement will fade approximately 24 hours after the babies get home from the hospital. But, for now, it’s a fun game!
Before we close this entry, we would be remiss if we did not say thank you to all of you who have passed us so many well wishes and good vibes. While it is impossible to name everyone, we do want to let the NOLA triplet group know that we are very excited and thankful to have been welcomed into their group. This group is a great resource of information and support, and has also already proven to be a great source for triplet necessities such as preemie clothes. A specific member has agreed to lend us a triplet stroller with detachable infant car seats in exchange for the simple assurance that we would return it to someone else in the group when we are done. The kindness of people should never be taken for granted.
Love to all,
Hunter and Mikki
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