Anyway, we found a couple of our favorite baby pics and decided that we would share:
Now that is just cute.
And, while it will embarrass him for years, here is the long lost video of Coby’s Justin Beiber song….enjoy:
My favorite pic of Coby and Claire:
While I’m at it, my favorite dance pic of the girls:
Today is Supermom’s birthday, and following on our baby picture theme, how about this pic:

That may be the single cutest baby pic of all time. The story is that little Mikki was pointing to a recent boo-boo on her toe. Regardless, it’s super cute.
Happy Birthday Mikki! Your strength and grace in carrying our boys is nothing short of awe-inspiring. You often times make it look so easy, and I know it’s not. I love you.
To share a little about our story, Mikki and I were kinda destined for this (not the triplet + plus three part, but the living happy ever after part). See, we were born two months apart in the same small town at the hands of the same doctor. Even before our birth, Mikki’s parents lived in my great grandmother’s apartment behind her house; the same apartment I lived in later with my mom. Mikki’s mom recalls visiting my great grandmother and seeing the same family heirloom piano that now sits in our foyer. We rode the same bus to kindergarten, driven by the same one-armed bus driver (seriously, he had one arm and the bus was a stick shift…you don’t forget something like that). If this isn’t sounding a little Forest Gumpish already… Mikki had an eye issue as a kid that required her to wear an eye patch throughout kindergarten. There’s a lot I can’t recall about kindergarten, but I remember the one-eyed girl who decorated her eye patch with stickers. I moved away in 1st grade, but was back in 10th grade. Immediately, Mikki was my first crush. She was in my 10th grade English class, Mrs. Burk, and we were dating by our Junior year. We have definitely had our ups and downs since then, but we have been way up for quite some time with no downhill stretch in sight. Again, Happy Birthday to my wife.
Claire actually brought out our high school yearbooks this past week. In honor of our awesome picture themed post, how about these beauties:

Yes, that is Mikki in my letter jacket singing the alma mater at a basketball game. She is without a doubt embarrassed of that short hair now. I liked it though.
How about a few more (because she was so cute):

Also, because we have promised them a few times, and it’s a tribute to Mikki’s artistic abilities, here are a few shots of the girls’ room and bathroom (recall that the girls have been forced to share a room with the boys on the way and Mikki was left with the challenge of painting their room with ALL of their favorite colors).
And, finally, because turn about is fair play:

Anyway, this has been all about us, rather than our future trio…so, thank you for bearing with me. As for our boys, Week 24 has flown by fairly unremarkably. Mikki has done a good job of resting and keeping her feet up. Our current trio have shown some understanding and have kept their demands to a minimum. The boys are getting stronger by the day. It is incredibly strange to feel and see all of them moving at one time. And, by the look on Mikki’s face, it's even stranger to feel them from the inside. So, we (mostly Mikki) trudge forward…into the 25th week. We see MFM again next week. Maybe we can talk the Dr. into some 4d pictures that we can share.
Hunter and Mikki.
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