Why, you ask, is she holding a tape measure? Fair question. The tape measure is set at 43 1/2 inches, which illustrates the approximate combined length of the boys. How all that baby is stuffed into that stomach is anyone's guess. I can't imagine how it must fill to carry around that load 24 hours a day. I feel uncomfortable after a single large meal.
Well, it's about to get very busy for the Bertrand 8. Claire starts her new year of dance on Monday and the kids start school shortly thereafter. Coby is having his 8th grade orientation today and the girls have their orientations next week. All the while, their momma (and chauffeur) is nearing all out bed rest. What is the plan you ask? Another good question. We are largely flying by the seat of our pants right now. It's difficult to plan for the unknown, i.e. when will Mikki be unable to drive, when will she go on full bed rest, when will she go into the hospital, when will these boys decide to make their entrance into the world, how long will the boys stay in the NICU before coming home? We can only plan so far in advance. For now, it's good knowing that we have great family and friend support on standby to help as needed.
We go back to Dr. LaFranca and MFM on Monday. We will of course pass on any news and new pics after our visit. Also, as a teaser, we are nearing the end of our Name Game, which means we will be announcing the boys names soon. Stay tuned!
Hunter and Mikki.
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